Minggu, 20 Januari 2013

Bingung mau nulis apa

Aku ingin nulis tiap hari disini entah mau nulis apa bentar ah ........yang penting pengen berkontribusi dalam ICT Master Plan Indonesia, entah itu ide dari negara lain , paparan dari blog orang atau dari seminar yang pernah diikutin pejabat...atau tulisan2 iseng aku aja

VNEconomyNews.com - The Asean ICT Masterplan 2015, to be launched tomorrow, will help stimulate the regional economy and also pave the way for long-term economic prosperity.

Information and communication technology (ICT) is the backbone of economic development and regional integration, said a senior advisor to the Minister of Communication and Information Technology of Indonesia (for international relations and digital divide), Prof. Dr Kalamullah Ramli.

"Asean member countries must work hard to become a single community, improve public awareness, build capacity in building information security issues and cyber crime," he told Bernama on the sidelines after the opening of the 10th Asean Telecommunications and Information Technology Ministers' Meeting here Thursday.

The event was officiated today by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Asean comprises Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

Kalamullah said the Asean ICT Masterplan, which aims to chart ICT developments in Asean, is important towards promoting a united Asean, adding, the masterplan is a key for its nations to work together.

Under the Asean ICT Masterplan, Indonesia has proposed two to three ICT projects with the focus on e-commerce, cyber security and next generation network.

Kalamullah pointed out that economic growth would expand 1.3 per cent with every 10 per cent improvement in ICT and the Indonesian government is committed to focusing on developing e-commerce in the republic.

He said it would be difficult for the government to develop its ICT sectors, in terms of connectivity, due to the geographical factors.

"Connectivity is still the problem in Indonesia because the republic consists of 17,000 islands. It is a tough job to connect the people," he explained.

Indonesia, he highlighted, is embarking on the ICT Roadmap 2011-2020 with the aim of becoming "Digital Indonesia" by 2020, and will use every possible alternatives to reach all the people of the country.

Currently, the broadband penetration rate stands at 0.7 per cent in Indonesia while cellular coverage is at 90 to 95 per cent. Most users especially in the villages, are still using cellular phones, due to its affordability.

In order to boost domestic economic growth, Indonesia is now working on the Palapa Ring fibre optic project, aiming at connecting the country's 33 provinces and over 450 regencies.

"Our target is to have all the people in Indonesia connected to the communications infrastructure and ensure the quality of the services," Kalamullah said.

He said e-commerce is not rapidly developing in Indonesia but the government realises the importance of this information revolution.

The development of e-commerce has not progressed fast in Indonesia due to the infrastructure that limits the internet service coverage, awareness, security and culture, he added.

He said the government aims to focus on e-commerce, especially in the small and medium businesses, because it will expand their market, improve production and competitiveness as well as create jobs opportunities.

"Transportation and logistics is a problem for Indonesia because of the infrastructure development, example from island to city.

"Therefore, e-commerce would be the best alternative for people in remote areas to do business. The government is serious about the development of e-commerce," Kalamullah said.

To support the development, he said there is a need for a quality and secure infrastructure, as e-commerce cannot be conducted unless the people are confident of making online transactions.

DARI SINI  bisa diliat bahwa indonesia harus mengejar ketinggalan dibanding negara ASEAN lainnya, salah satunya dengan mengadakan Palapa Ring project yang bisa menghubungkan 33 provinsi dan  450 regencies apa itu regencies ya ...hehe tar cari ... 
e commerce gak terlalu berjalan di indonesia ya karena infrastrukturnya jg belum merata, belum mendukung ,  dan juga servicenya jg belum memungkinkan ..
katanya pemeintah jg serius mendukung  perkembangan e-commerce...ya karena dengan e-commerce kan bisa menambah pendapatan negara kan ....negara ikut untung dari pajak2 dan lainnya..
keadaan indonesia yang luas dan terpisah2 memang bukan hal mudah untuk bekomunikasi satu daeah ke daerah lain ya..gak spt singapore atau malaysia..indonesia memang ribet tp bukan suatu hal yang tak mungkin kalau pemerintah mau serius merangkul partner untuk menyukseskan ICT indonesia

Dengan bersama2 mengadakan ASEAN ICT Masterplan diharapkan negara ASEAN bersama2 bisa punya kerjasama yang lebih baik dan bisa lebih saling mendukung terutama dalam bidang ICT yang bisa jd enabler untuk bidang2 lain spt pendidikan, pemerintahan, e -commerce ..dan banyak lagi lainnya . sehingga semua bisa lebih mudah dan juga lebih cpt , bisa jg untuk transaksi ke luar ASEAN ...karena masa kini tanpa ICT sesuatu akan  seperti sayur tanpa garam 

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