Kamis, 13 Desember 2012

Why Indonesia ICT Master Plan

Why do i make this  proposal ?
Why not another subject
According to DR.Ir.Iwan Krisnadi  , one of the commisioner in BRTI, or Regulation Bureau of Telecommunication  Indonesia , on of my lecturer in Mercubuana University  when i took my Telecom Management  post grad last year ( 2009-2011)
 He said that No one have ever made this subject before, and he said that This is important not only for research but also for our country.
and this is one of the  most important subject
cause withous Master plan that is line or guidance of the ICT , Indonesia is nothing, we cannot do things
Because ICT is enabler, what makes everything go right , now ICT have developed very fast in every aspect, like e-goverment, e-commerce, e-education , e-....e-- lot of everything
and you know what ?indonesia have not got ICT Master Plan
that is why indonesia is not very good in mastering ICT, Singapore have developed ICT Master Plan since  1997 or maybe less ...another country in ASEAN also ..like Thailand, Filipine, Malaysia , they already also have ICT Master PLan ..OMG it seems that Indonesia already fall behind , few steps behind
but you know indonesia is large archipelago , consist of thousand island , and also have lot of people  , i guess now around  240 million people or maybe more,INdonesia need ICT Master Plan that accomodates all the aspect in Indonesia people.
But also regulation in indonesia is not  good , always changing
so many things that is not good for ICT Climate in indonesia

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